On a recent trip to go white water rafting in Jim Thorpe, PA, we stopped to take these pictures of downtown Jim Thorpe, PA
In the picture below we see the entrance to the Carbon County Courthouse:
In this picture here we see a fuller picture of the Carbon County Courthouse:
Carbon County sign giving a brief description of the county and its historical reliance on anthracite coal:
A picture of the Lehigh River flowing through Jim Thorpe:
Picture of the old hotel in Jim Thorpe, PA now Mollie Maguires:
Picture of Jim Thorpe, PA from outside of town:
In this photo we actually see a pair of Pinzgauer vehicles in Jim Thorpe, PA which are being used to give off-road tours. I had never heard of Pinzgauer trucks before, but apparently they are military grade vehicles that havea cult following in the US as well. Before today I had never seen anything quite like it.
In this photo we see the train station labelled with Jim Thorpe, PA's old name: Mauch Chunk which is now the train station for the scenic train tour and apparently also a bank.
Here is a view up Broadway in Jim Thorpe, PA with the Carbon County Courthouse to the right:
In the following pictures we see the War Memorial in Jim Thorpe, PA which comemorates post-Civil War conflicts but, with the statue of a Union soldier on top was originally designed to comemorate the end of the Civil War:
This side comemorates Appomattox and naturally the end of the Civil War:
This side of the memorial comemorates the Mexican War:
This side comemorates the final battle of the American Revolution at Yorktown:
From where I was, I could not easily get to the fourth side but the reasonable inference is that it would comemorate the War of 1812.